Get in Touch With Us at PRN Medical Transport Today
We are located in Hainesport Township in the Hainesport Industrial Complex. The Hainesport Industrial Complex is located on Marne Highway (537), cornering Hainesport-Mt. Laurel Road. The Industrial Park is approximately 1 mile off of Route 38.
Please use the map below when attempting to locate our office. Please call during our main office hours to schedule transportation, speak to someone in our Billing/Scheduling Department, or if you have any other questions or concerns.
Corporate Compliance
PRN Medical Transport has implemented a Compliance Program designed to assure full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, internal policies, and business ethics. Toward that end, several mechanisms have been established to facilitate the reporting of suspected misconduct, illegal activities, and potential fraud.
PRN's Compliance Officer and Compliance Committee are responsible for investigating all credible reports of suspected violations. To report a suspected violation of law or Company Policy, please use one of the mechanisms below:
Direct Telephone
(609) 265-0317
(ask for the Compliance Officer) -
Compliance Email
US Mail
PRN Medical Transport
Attn: Compliance Officer
P.O. Box 510, Hainesport, NJ 08036